WhatsApp is introducing a new feature that simplifies the process of planning and organizing events within group chats, making it more convenient for friends, schools, and local communities to coordinate both virtual and in-person gatherings.
The new events functionality allows group members to organize events such as birthday parties, work meetings, and more, functioning similarly to other e-invitation services that utilize email. Once created, events are pinned to the group’s information page and a dedicated chat thread is started for the event, enabling participants to confirm their attendance, discuss details, and manage expectations like who’s bringing what—ensuring no one forgets the cookies.
Additionally, WhatsApp is enhancing user interaction with “Announcement Groups,” by enabling members to respond to announcements. This feature is designed to keep the conversation orderly by minimizing replies and muting the chat by default, allowing members to engage in discussions without overwhelming others with constant notifications.
The events feature will initially be available within WhatsApp Communities—a feature of the app similar to Slack or Discord that includes separate message threads, group admins, and announcement capabilities—and will later expand to all groups. WhatsApp Communities also leverages the app’s ability to support 32-person video calls, inviting participants to join calls without automatically calling everyone simultaneously. This phased rollout will see the feature introduced to all user groups in the upcoming months.