Techie Spotlight: Exclusive Conversation With Olatunji Fagbore, a Product Manager

Techie Spotlight: Olatunji Fagbore.

Olatunji Fagbore is a seasoned product manager with deep expertise in artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT). Boasting over a decade of experience in the tech industry, Olatunji has made significant contributions to the development and management of cutting-edge products that integrate AI and IoT technologies. In recognition of his expertise and impact in the tech field, he has been honored as a recipient of the prestigious UK Global Talent Visa, which is awarded to individuals recognized as leaders or emerging leaders in their respective fields.

In this interview, we will explore Olatunji’s extensive career journey, from his early beginnings in the tech industry to his current status as a respected product manager. We will discuss the challenges he has faced along the way, the lessons he has learned, and the insights he has gained from his experiences. Additionally, we will delve into his thoughts on the future of AI and IoT and his advice for aspiring professionals looking to enter and succeed in these dynamic sectors of the tech industry.

Olatunji Fagbore Working.

Can we get to know you?

I’m Olatunji Fagbore, a versatile AI & IoT Product Manager with over ten years of experience navigating the ever-changing landscape of technology. My career began with a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, further enriched by certifications in Product Management and as a Professional Scrum Master.

Before transitioning to product management, I honed my skills as a Software Engineer and startup consultant. My expertise covers a diverse range of industries including edtech, fintech, data analytics, supply chain, logistics, and ecommerce. Throughout my career, I have aided numerous companies in achieving their commercial goals through innovative product development and strategic implementation.

Beyond my professional life, I am deeply committed to personal development. I am also a certified Life Coach, using my expertise to help individuals achieve their fullest potential. In my downtime, I channel my creativity into writing and am currently working on my debut book, aiming to share insights from my journey and experiences.

How did your journey in tech begin and how long?

My journey into the world of technology began in an unconventional way during my secondary school years (SS1), when I started packaging phones with music, games, and apps. By offering these enhanced phones at a slightly higher price than standard market rates, I gained a competitive edge early on.

Fast forward to my first formal role in the tech field as a technology consultant. This position paved the way for my career in software engineering. Over the years, I worked closely with startups, lending my expertise to assist them in developing their products. The diverse skill set I developed during this time enabled me to transition smoothly into product management. In my role as a Squad Lead, I confidently managed over 12 cross-functional teams, leveraging my broad experience to guide and inspire innovation.

Did you have any role models or mentors who influenced your career

Throughout my career, I did not have a formal mentor, but I was drawn to individuals—both younger and older—who exhibited success and resilience in overcoming challenges. One figure who particularly inspired me is Satya Nadella. His strategic vision in repositioning Microsoft as a leader in the Cloud and ERP sectors has been incredibly motivating.

Can you tell us about your educational background and any relevant
certifications you’ve obtained so far?

I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, along with certifications in Product Management from the Association of International Product Marketing and Management (AIPMM), and as a Professional Scrum Master. Additionally, I have completed a wide array of training certificates in various specialized areas.

What challenges did you face as you progressed in your tech career and
how did you overcome them?

My career journey has presented numerous challenges, including transitioning from engineering to product management and evolving into a team leader. To overcome these hurdles, I relied on qualities such as resilience, persistence, and a positive mindset. On the technical front, I dedicated myself to learning whatever was necessary to meet my deliverables effectively.

You’re a recipient of the UK Global Talent Visa how does that make
you feel?

Being granted the UK Global Talent Visa is a significant achievement for outstanding tech professionals, considering the stringent criteria involved. What’s particularly meaningful to me is the realization that my consistent contributions of value over time have led to such a substantial accomplishment.

Can you walk us through a typical day or week in your role as an
AI/IoT product manager?

A Product Manager’s day can vary significantly based on the company, product type, and team dynamics. However, here’s a glimpse into my typical routine:

I start by planning my day, reviewing my to-do list, and prioritizing tasks. I block out time on my calendar to ensure I can dedicate sufficient attention to each task. My morning usually begins with checking emails and messages to ensure timely responses.

In my role as a Product Manager specializing in AI and IoT, a significant portion of my time is spent researching and understanding the applications and use cases of these technologies. This involves a thorough analysis of the market landscape and dynamics. Once a product strategy and roadmap are in place, my focus shifts to implementation. This includes leading meetings to discuss and prioritize features, conducting feature and design reviews, and overseeing quality assurance processes.

In the realm of AI, metrics reporting is crucial. I document the best-performing analyses, justify decisions, and track outputs. For IoT, the complexity of dealing with hardware means I often collaborate with hardware engineers to address issues or extract diagnostic data for software-related problems.

Additionally, I engage in stakeholder management and communication across various teams. Constant decision-making is essential for managing risks and ensuring regulatory compliance.

While there are many technical aspects to my role, today we’ll focus

One of the most pivotal emerging trends shaping the trajectory of product management is Artificial Intelligence. Furthermore, next-generation computing has profoundly transformed the landscape of application operations. The insights provided in the McKinsey report, specifically the ‘McKinsey Technology Trends Outlook 2023‘, offer a deeper exploration of additional industry trends worth investigating.

The journey in tech from a product manager to a founder seems
straightforward, do you see yourself venturing into that, and in what
area of tech if possible?

This is an intriguing topic, and while it’s not straightforward, I’m confident that I’ll be able to offer more insights in the near future. Currently, I am committed to my role as a board advisor at Accave, an Edtech company. You can learn more about what we’re doing at Accave.

What advice would you give to aspiring product managers who are just
starting out in their careers?

The most valuable advice for anyone starting their journey in product management includes:

  1. Resist the allure of “shiny object syndrome.” Instead of getting distracted by the latest trends or technologies, choose a clear direction, focus, and take action. Staying focused is crucial in the rapidly evolving technology industry.
  2. Prioritize gaining experience, especially in the early stages. Volunteering in projects can be instrumental in building your skills and understanding of the field.
  3. Avoid comparing yourself to those who have been in the field for a longer time. Concentrate on your own growth and progress.
  4. Cultivate curiosity. Being inquisitive and asking the right questions are essential traits for success as a Product Manager. This helps in understanding problems deeply and devising effective solutions.
  5. Develop a balance of soft and technical skills, focusing first on the ones that are most crucial. Both sets of skills are vital in navigating the complexities of product management successfully.
  6. Maintain a healthy work-life balance. Balancing personal and professional life is key to sustained success and well-being. This ensures you stay energized and motivated in your career.

You are also a mentor, what are some of the challenges of mentoring
in tech?

One of my primary challenges as a mentor is managing time constraints. While I strive to accommodate everyone for meetings to address their queries, it can often be difficult to balance this with other commitments. Additionally, as a mentor, staying relevant in the face of continuous technological evolution is crucial. This requires ongoing personal development to ensure that the guidance I offer remains accurate and up-to-date.

Olatunji Fagbore speaking at a tech event.

Finally, what resources (books, podcasts, networks, etc.) would you
recommend to aspiring engineering managers?

One book I’d highly recommend for aspiring product managers is “The Lean Startup” by Eric Ries. Additionally, two other excellent reads that offer valuable insights into different aspects of product management and leadership are “Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products” by Nir Eyal and “Dare to Lead” by Dr. Brené Brown.

Thank you for talking to us.

Thank you for the opportunity to share my story.

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