From Corporate Law to Startup Strategy Leader: Ifeoluwa Ogunbufunmi’s Journey.

Ifeoluwa Ogunbufunmi.

Ifeoluwa Ogunbufunmi is a driven tech leader who thrives on taking big bets on herself, believing that the only limits she faces are those she sets for herself. Her journey is a testament to this belief, marked by a series of bold decisions and an unwavering commitment to personal growth and professional excellence.

From an early age, Ifeoluwa understood the power of self-belief and the importance of pushing boundaries. This mindset has propelled her through a diverse and impactful career subsequently. In 2017, she made a significant impact by working directly with the Vice President of Nigeria on business climate reforms, playing a crucial role in shaping the economic landscape of the nation. Her ability to navigate complex challenges and deliver results earned her recognition and set the stage for future accomplishments.

In 2019, Ifeoluwa took another leap by becoming a founding member of the FinTech team at one of Africa’s leading law firms. Here, she combined her legal expertise with a deep understanding of emerging technologies, helping to pioneer innovative legal solutions in a rapidly evolving industry. Her work in this space not only solidified her reputation as a forward-thinking leader but also opened doors to new opportunities across the continent.

Ifeoluwa’s thirst for knowledge and her desire to expand her horizons significantly led her to pursue an MBA at the prestigious University of Oxford. This experience enriched her perspective, blending her legal background with a comprehensive understanding of global business strategy and operations. Armed with this knowledge, she has successfully led strategic initiatives across multiple continents, including Africa, the Middle East, and Europe.

Today, Ifeoluwa channels her expertise and passion into running a leading startup advisory firm. In this role, she supports founders and aspiring entrepreneurs at every stage of their journey, from ideation and strategy to customer acquisition, execution, growth, and scale. Her firm is dedicated to empowering visionaries till they turn their ideas into thriving businesses, providing the guidance and resources needed to navigate the challenges of the startup world.

In this exclusive conversation, she explains what it means to her to be recognized as a global talent and run her own startup advisory firm in the heart of the UK.

Can we get to know you?

Ifeoluwa here; I see myself as a woman who loves to take BIG BETS on herself. I realized very early on in my life that there’s no limit to what I can do as long as that’s what I believe. So I keep taking BIG BETS on myself – from working for the Vice President of Nigeria on business climate reforms in 2017 to being a founding member of the FinTech team in one of Africa’s leading law firms in 2019. I also earned my MBA from the University of Oxford, with a law background, and worked as a Strategy & Operations Leader across multiple continents, including Africa, the Middle East, and Europe.

Now, I run a leading startup advisory firm, supporting founders and aspiring founders with ideation, strategy, customer acquisition, execution, growth, and scale. I’ve had support, love, guidance, and total confidence in my work from some of the best people in my life on my journey. I take none of them for granted.

Coffee or tea? How do you take it?

Always and forever an English breakfast tea girl! 

Did you have any role models or mentors who influenced your career path?

My mum is the strongest and most inspiring woman in my life. I’ve watched her give everything to ensure that I and my siblings got the best education and life values that continue to guide me daily. Anything she couldn’t afford, she prayed into my life! She’s incomparable!

Ifeoluwa with the Founder of ProductDive, Tobi Otokiti.

My mentor, Dr. Jumoke Oduwole, was my Law Professor and later became a Senior Adviser to Nigeria’s Vice President. She gave me the golden opportunity to work directly with her, straight out of law school. That experience set the course of my career, leading to many exciting things I’ve gone on to do. Someone said to me, “Ifeoluwa, your career is such an exciting cocktail of experiences! You know so much and can do so much!”

I plan to make my career an overflowing cocktail because I intend to keep going!

So many women, men, peers, colleagues, and dear friends inspire me daily. I’m thankful for everyone who I look up to in my life – they make me stronger, bolder, and happier.

You’re the founder of SWIF, How did that idea begin?

I had a lot of big changes in my life last year. One of those was becoming a UK Global Talent, a highly sought-after award to exceptional tech talent to live, work, and thrive in the United Kingdom.

Becoming a UK Global Talent opened my mind to the possibilities and flexibilities I wanted for my career – I decided to take another BIG BET on myself and launched SWIF – a startup advisory firm that helps founders and aspiring firms take BIG BETS on their ideas and figure out the MISSING PIECES. I’m currently the Founder & Chief Strategist of SWIF, a leading startup advisory firm that helps founders, and aspiring founders take BIG BETS on their ideas and figure out the MISSING PIECES. I support startups and scaleups with ideation, step-by-step strategy implementation, marketing, winning pitch decks, product-market fit, go-to-market plans, and execution plans, to launch and scale impactful & profitable businesses generally.

Ifeoluwa at Barclays Black Founder Accelerator Program as one of the selected Startup Coaches.

As Founder & Chief Strategist at SWIF, I’ve worked with 100+ clients across 12 countries, across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the UK, and North America. I also currently work with leading startup accelerators across Europe and Africa including: Barclays Eagle Labs, Tech Scaler by the Scottish Government, Lagos State Innovates Founders Program, AfricArena Accelerator, Foundervine, CodeBase Scotland, and the Oxford Artificial Intelligence (AI) Society, as an Expert Startup Advisor & Coach and facilitating multiple Masterclasses & Workshops.

Can you share a brief overview of your career path and what led you to your current role in Strategy & Operations?

Throughout my entire career, I’ve always prioritized gaining strategic experience. I love engaging in critical and strategic thinking, solving problems from start to finish, and being an indispensable asset to everyone I work with. This approach allows me to show up as my full and complete self every day.

What are some key leadership lessons you’ve learned throughout your career?

These are some of my most precious leadership lessons. Everyone who knows me directly can recite every single one of these 😂😂

• You’re not in competition with anyone else but yourself

• You cannot be lazy about your life

• Stay trusting! God has only the best plans for your life. He makes all things beautiful in His time 

What has been the most rewarding aspect of your career so far?

Being able to explore every interest I’ve had so far. 

My career so far makes me very happy and content. A lot more is still unfolding and personally, it’s been beautiful to watch. God keeps molding me in phases and in awe of my today and excitedly anticipating my tomorrow. 

How do you stay current with industry developments and continue to grow your expertise?

I read. A lot. Online. LOL!

It’s probably my I’m “semi-addicted” to LinkedIn. It helps me read so much in a short period of time to understand everything happening in the industries I work in and those I’m fascinated about.

I love being a sponge, soaking up knowledge any and everywhere I find. 

What’s your favorite tech gadget or tool that you can’t live without?

Please don’t take away my phone 😂😂😂

I’m excited about the advancements in artificial intelligence and how we’re testing and pushing boundaries across various sectors like healthcare, finance, immigration, education, real estate, and entertainment.

Ifeoluwa with Brent Hoberman CBE.

Recently, I had the opportunity to speak about this as a panelist at the WIMBIZ London Conference. It was thrilling to see the audience’s overall enthusiasm for future innovations and their curiosity about how best to prepare for what’s to come.

If you could go back and give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?

There’ll be a lot of surprises in your future – good and bad. You’ll handle them well and you’ll inspire so many, just by being who you are. You’re on the right path Ifeoluwa.

You’ve worked across different regions, what’s the most interesting city you’ve worked in?

I’ll always be a Lagos girl! The vibrance. The chaos. The endless possibilities. 

I love big cities…so I love London, New York, Dubai. Can’t wait to explore Asian cities as well eventually. 

Group picture from the WIMBIZ London Conference, where Ifeoluwa spoke on “AI & The Opportunities It Presents”

If you had a superpower to solve one problem in the tech world, what would it be and why?

It’ll be helping founders stretch their minds to see endless possibilities on how to grow their companies and keep their operations lean simultaneously. Not everyone needs to raise external funding, at least not in the early stages. I’d love to show them how. 

If you could swap jobs with anyone for a day, who would it be and what would you hope to learn?

It’ll be Amina Muaddi, the Jordanian-Romanian shoe designer. 

My end game is to become a luxury shoe entrepreneur, leveraging technology in shoe making and design, and understanding my customers particularly. 

Amina has succeeded and still succeeding in a world of long-time luxury players and I’d love a first-hand experience into her world. 

I’m anticipating this phase of my life soon. 

What do you enjoy doing in your free time outside of work?

Anything that makes me laugh.

Spending time with family and close friends. 

Traveling the world, one country at a time.

Watching live theatre.

A cold glass of Aperol Spritz. 

Finally, what book, podcast, or resource has had the most significant impact on your professional development?

I’m currently reading Shoe Dog by Phil Knight, the founder of Nike. The book chronicles his journey and the big bets he took in building one of the world’s most successful brands eventually.

It’s been instrumental in shaping my approach to SWIF and serves as a big inspiration for my future ventures.

It’s a pleasure talking to you Ifeoluwa.

Thanks for having me! This was absolutely great!

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