Seyi Bondefaiye-Owope: Building a Better Future Through Data and Community.

Seyi Bondefaiye-Owope.

Seyi Bondefaiye-Owope is a data-driven product owner whose expertise lies in transforming complex data into actionable insights that fuel business growth. Her career trajectory, marked by a shift from biochemistry to data science, exemplifies her adaptability and thirst for knowledge.

Beyond her professional achievements, Seyi is a passionate advocate for social impact. As co-founder of StayInBio, she empowers African bioscientists to thrive in their careers. Additionally, her volunteer work with the Yeepi Foundation demonstrates her commitment to supporting the Maroon community in Canada and Suriname.

Seyi’s dedication extends to mentorship, where she offers invaluable guidance to individuals navigating their professional journeys. Looking ahead, her aim is to leverage her data-driven approach to create and develop exceptional products that not only meet expectations but exceed them, leaving a lasting impact.

In this exclusive conversation, Seyi shared her journey as a data analyst and product owner, revealing the challenges she faced, the milestones she achieved, and the insights she gained along the way. She also discussed her transition from a biochemistry background into the world of data analytics, sharing the pivotal moments and decisions that shaped her career.

Can we get to know you?

My name is Seyi Bondefaiye-Owope, and I am a Data Analytics professional and product owner. Although my educational background is in biochemistry, my exposure to analytics in that field sparked my interest in the world of data, leading me to pursue a post-graduate diploma in data science and business analysis. Throughout my career, I’ve consistently demonstrated a strong ability to extract valuable insights from data, enabling businesses to make informed and profitable decisions.

Beyond my professional work, I co-founded StayInBio, an initiative dedicated to helping African bio-scientists thrive in their chosen careers. I also volunteer at the Yeepi Foundation, a non-profit organization focused on supporting the maroon community in Canada and Suriname. I am deeply passionate about career mentorship and enjoy guiding individuals on their professional journeys.

Looking ahead, my goal is to contribute significantly to the creation and development of products that are not only exciting and impactful but also exceed expectations through data-driven approaches and techniques.

Tea or Coffee? Which one gets you up and running in the morning?

Definitely coffee! I’m the kind of person who works out at 4:30 a.m., and I need that first cup of coffee to really wake my body up. Lol.

Can you tell us about your journey into data analysis?

My fascination with data began while I was working in biotech and was introduced to CRM and ERP systems. As the operations manager, I had to use the data we gathered to make important decisions, and that’s where my interest in data really took off. I decided to take it a step further by diving into the world of data science and earning a diploma in the field, initially with the intent to apply it in the biotech industry. That journey has brought me to where I am today.

Did you have any role models or mentors who influenced your career path?

Yes! My very first influencer was Jessica Ayodele. I noticed she pivoted into data analytics in 2019, so I asked her for more information about it. Though it took me a while to get on board, I’m very happy I did! I’ve also been heavily influenced by Alex the Analyst, Kevin Stratvert, Ahmed Oyelowo, Olamide Jolaoso, and Ayodele Oluleye.

Can you describe a typical day in your role?

As a Data Analytics Product Owner, I spend my day making decisions about the functionality of our data platforms. I’m often in meetings, determining which reports are needed to support the business, identifying valuable insights for stakeholders, and figuring out the best ways to present these insights for effective use.

I’m most excited about the collaboration between Generative AI and Data Analytics! It’s fascinating to see what’s happening now and what the future holds. We’re already witnessing how it’s revolutionizing business operations with enhanced decision-making, increasing task automation, and the rise of predictive analytics. I’m particularly looking forward to the advancements in natural language processing and the next level of personalized insights and recommendations that will further enhance customer interactions and experiences.

What are some of the most rewarding aspects of being a data analyst?

I would say the most rewarding part is seeing the data reveal insights no one expected. You might think your data will show you one thing, but it often uncovers much more. I believe data still has a lot of untapped potential that we have yet to fully realize, and it’s incredibly rewarding to be on a path that contributes to unlocking that power.

Myth or fact? Data analysts must learn how to write code.

Honestly, I don’t think it’s absolutely necessary to learn to write code, but coding is extremely important for success as a data analyst. While some aspects of data analysis can be accomplished with no-code tools, I believe that coding skills significantly enhance an analyst’s ability to handle complex data tasks and customize their analyses.

How do you stay updated with the latest developments in the field of data analytics?

I follow top voices in data analytics who are either where I aspire to be or who share valuable information on the data topics that interest me. I keep up with their insights and updates by following them on various platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube. Their perspectives and expertise help me stay informed about the latest trends, tools, and techniques in the field, and they often provide inspiration and practical advice that enhances my own work and career development.

What advice would you give to someone aspiring to become a data analyst?

Get a mentor. A mentor can be invaluable in helping you discover where you fit in the data analytics world. They can guide you in mapping out a clear and effective career path tailored to your goals and interests. Additionally, a mentor can provide you with insights into the challenges and pitfalls they encountered, helping you navigate these obstacles more efficiently and avoid common mistakes. By learning from their experiences and leveraging their advice, you can accelerate your progress and achieve your career objectives more swiftly.

If you could go back in time and give your younger self one piece of career advice, what would it be?

I would have advised myself to start my data analytics career much earlier. Looking back, I realize how beneficial it would have been to dive into the field sooner, given the rapid advancements and opportunities available. However, I’m grateful for the journey that led me to this point. Even though I didn’t start as early as I would have liked, I’m thankful for the experiences and lessons that have brought me here. Ultimately, I’m glad I didn’t miss the chance to pursue this career, and I’m excited about the future opportunities that lie ahead.

What data analysis tool or process do you like the most?

Anyone my employer wants me to like! Right now, I’m very into Tableau and Power BI for visualization, and I’m also focused on all Salesforce analytics platforms!

What piece of tech gadget you can’t do without right now?

It’s definitely my monitor. I love my big screen—it feels like it helps me tackle problems head-on 😂. It’s like seeing the issue in 3D. Honestly, I wish I could take it with me everywhere!

What’s your favorite way to unwind after a busy week at work?

After a busy week, you’ll find me at a fancy restaurant enjoying brunch on the weekend! If life keeps me on my toes during the week, I think it’s only fair to savor the weekends to the fullest. If I have a longer weekend or an extended break, I’m definitely traveling. I absolutely love to explore new places; it helps me recharge and recalibrate.

Finally, Can you share a book, podcast, or resource that has significantly influenced your career?

Alex the Analyst’s YouTube videos and content from Fore Sight BI are great resources to start with! They offer valuable insights and practical tips that can help you dive into data analytics effectively. Seyi Bondefaiye-Owope is a data-driven product owner whose expertise lies in transforming complex data into actionable insights that fuel business growth. Her career trajectory, marked by a shift from biochemistry to data science, exemplifies her adaptability and thirst for knowledge.

It’s a pleasure talking to you Oluwaseyi

Thank you for having me, it’s a pleasure as well.

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