WFF Startup Innovation Awards for Agri-food startups, Applications now open.

WFF Startup Innovation Awards.

African agri-food startups are invited to apply for the WFF Startup Innovation Awards, a prestigious global competition designed to support and showcase innovators and entrepreneurs who are harnessing the power of technology to drive the sustainable transformation of agri-food systems.

Established through a strategic partnership with Extreme Tech Challenge (XTC), the WFF Startup Innovation Awards aim to elevate the next generation of entrepreneurs who are creating groundbreaking technologies and innovations to benefit vital agri-food systems. This initiative underscores the critical role of technology in addressing global food security, climate change, and sustainable agriculture challenges.

Finalists in the competition will receive numerous benefits to help advance their innovative solutions. They will be provided with a travel allowance to attend the flagship event in Rome, offering them a platform for global visibility. At the event, startups will have the opportunity to raise capital by presenting their projects to potential investors and network with influential global entities, including industry leaders, policymakers, and fellow innovators.

WFF Startup Innovation Awards and Extreme Tech Challenge.

In addition to these opportunities, finalists will have the chance to join WFF startup accelerator programs. These programs are designed to help scale up their innovative solutions and technological breakthroughs, providing essential mentorship, resources, and support to navigate the complex landscape of agri-food systems.

The competition also includes a total of US$30,000 in prizes, which will be awarded to the most promising startups. This financial support can be crucial for startups looking to develop and expand their technologies further.

Applications for the WFF Startup Innovation Awards are open until June 8. Interested startups can apply here. The program will officially kick off in October, with the flagship event in Rome serving as a significant milestone for participating startups.

This competition represents a unique and valuable opportunity for African agri-food startups to gain international recognition, secure funding, and access a network of global experts dedicated to sustainable agriculture and food systems innovation. By participating, startups can significantly advance their impact on creating a more sustainable and resilient agri-food sector.

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